The plumbing courses cover all the aspects that you will be required to deal with as a faucet repair. You will be taught about the basic aspects as well as about health and safety issues and sanitation.
If you find that the water line repair leak is in the supply line you will need to replace it or simply tighten it. Start by turning the water supply off and then flushing the toilet to get rid of the excess water. Now use the towels to dry the area so that it is easier for you to fix the leak. Use a wrench to loosen the hexagonal nuts on the supply line at the main end as well as the one which goes to the flush tank. Now use the replacement supply line which you have and tighten the bolt at the supply end first. Now adjust the length that you will need for the pipe to reach the flush tank. Once you adjust the length use a knife to cut the extra length and then tighten the hexagonal bolt at the other end.

In repairing a tub faucet, you will notice that there will be drips that you need to address to. With this, you will need to replace the washers and/or seats.
Clean the hole in the gutter railing first. It must be free of any debris, so you may want to clean the entire drain channel using a proper cleaner. In this way, you will have a clean surface area which will allow you to repair the hole more easily.
If you do not have hot water in your home, it may be a bit tricky for you to attempt to find out what the cause is yourself. If you have a tank that is leaking, this may be the reason why you do not have any hot water. If you have an electrical unit, the causes may be things such as a bad heating element, fuses that are blown, an overload switch which is bad, circuit breakers not working properly or faulty thermostats. If you have a gas tank, the problems causing you to not have hot water line repair may include a problem with the thermocouple burners. In situations like these, it is imperative that you contact a reputable plumbing company to get everything squared away.
And the way to know what's sufficient? Well, until the work is done an the bill paid you won't know for certain, but this is the best that can be suggested and normally works very well.
Is your garbage disposal clogged, but it is turning ok? This may be due to a blockage in the pipe. If you look at the pipe work under your sink you will see that the disposal is connected to a pipe that should join to a U bend and providing it was installed correctly it should have a connector that can be undone. If you undo this connector the pipe will pull away and generally this is where most blockages occur. Remove the blockage and reconnect the pipe.